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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

Plier les horizons
Virginie Otth

Through her artistic investigation, Virginie Otth questions the materiality of photography, between subject and object. Her installation Plier les horizons, created for the festival, exploits the line of the horizon in a selection of photos which she created and then printed on cardboard to challenge our accustomed spatial points of reference when facing an artwork. The image becomes object, immersion, emancipation, reflection. Facing the night sky, one might like to look at the moon and observe the stars; what one sees are Israeli rockets, Starlink satellites, and smoke rising during celebrations of the Swiss National Day on August 1. On this imaginary line, there are urban horizons, mountains that obscure the horizon, mental perspectives that seem infinite, walls being put up – a visual experience which sets us in motion between mental and physical images. The photographic representation floats, is folded in two to suggest the horizon, and leads the viewer to weave connections between a tangible world and an imagined one. 

With the support of: Canton de Vaud, Ville de Lausanne

Year of production: 2024-2025


Photoforum Pasquart

Photoforum Pasquart
Faubourg du Lac 71
2502 Biel

To the venue
Schule für Gestaltung Bern und Biel
Vers la rive
Rebecca Bowring
Algues Maudites, a sea of tears
Alice Pallot
Les Dérangeuses
Catherine Gfeller
Between Chair And Keyboard
Emma Bedos
Empire / Hereros / Orange Order
Charles Fréger
Versus Series
Maryam Jafri
Sandra – Ich bin eben doch eine Frau
Annick Ramp
Julian Charrière
Nicolas Savary