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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

Revealing science
SNSF Scientific Image Competition

Whether abstract or documentary, abundant or minimalist, images of live scientific research offer fresh insights into the world, challenge our imagination and inspire thought. The four hundred works submitted to the SNSF Scientific Image Competition 2025 reflect the diverse and evolving nature of research, as well as the multiple perspectives of the people who carry it out. They reveal novel, spectacular and unsettling visions, shed new light on the familiar, and invite us to question what meets our eye with curiosity and humility.

In collaboration with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

The competition categories 

1. Object of study
2. Women and men of science
3. Locations and instruments
4. Videos

The 2025 jury  

Tanja Gesell, biologist and artist, University of Vienna (Austria) 

Emanuela Ascoli, head of photography and exhibitions of National Geographic France (France)
Lizzy Brown, Managing Media Editor, Nature (U.K.)
Patrick Gyger, director of Plateforme 10 (Switzerland)
Andri Pol, photographer (Switerzland)
Tess de Ruiter, art-science curator, Rotterdam (Netherlands) 

© Matti Barthel, Guido Schreurs, Alain Amstutz, Concours FNS d’images scientifiques | SNF-Wettbewerb für wissenschaftliche Bilder

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NMB, Neuhaus

NMB, Neuhaus
Faubourg du Lac 52
2501 Biel/Bienne

To the venue
Thomas Rousset
Matthew Genitempo
Photo Panini
Antoine Le Roy
Black Bird
Amir Hossein Keihani
First Seen
Nicolas Delaroche
Caroline Minjolle
Cowboy Noir, Lucas Olivet
New Artificiality
Catherine Leutenegger
Pierre-Kastriot Jashari
Iris 732
Florian Zellweger