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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

96 Hours Biel-Bienne
Phil Penman

Phil Penman, the renowned New-York based Leica photographer, visited the city of Biel/Bienne for 96 hours in January 2025, and portrayed it through his own particular point of view. Penman departed at 5 in the morning each day to discover the streets, neighborhoods, people and surroundings of Biel/Bienne. Always carrying three cameras, he documented special moments, iconic scenes and selected creative people from Biel/Bienne. The result is a fascinating and captivating view of the city in black and white. 

The Biel/Bienne creative collective REBL is presenting this particular highlight in l’Ancienne Poste, in collaboration with Leica Camera to mark their 100th anniversary.   

With the support of: REBL, WhiteWall and Leica Camera

Year of production: 2025


Ancienne Poste

Ancienne poste du Marché-Neuf

Rue Dufour 26

2502 Biel/Bienne

To the venue
Fremd bin ich eingezogen
Ekaterina Sevrouk
La dérive des pôles
Vanessa Gandar
Notes sur H2
Florent Meng
Der stille Gast
Chantal Michel
Photographer without a camera / Message to no one
Ivars Gravlejs
Du paysage
Elina Brotherus
Hiding in the City
Liu Bolin
«work in progress»
Ruth Erdt
Matthias Gabi
Lucas Foglia