Andrea Good
Capturing time, preserving slowness and making movement appear as a passing breath. AndreaGood or the passing of time made visible. For this project, no conventional camera will do; instead, the photographer has built a camera in situ, a camera obscura.A church, office buildings, a bank, containers, hotel rooms and industrial sites, Andrea Good transforms these spaces into a perforated dark room and brings the original essence of photographyback to life. Walls are covered to produce darkness. A beam of light enters the room from one side and projects an upside-down and reversed image onto the opposing wall, on which photosensitivepaper is hung. Static objects will be captured, while those in motion will not be distinguishable. The sharpness of the image will depend on movement, distance from the opening of the camera obscura,and aperture. Time is not the only essential element in the creative process behind Andrea Good’s photography.
Year of production: 2011