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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

Kings of Cyan
Tim Davis

“Who is the first politician you remember?” This question, raised by the photographer, resonates and recurs throughout the “Kings of Cyan” series. Evoking the emblematic figures of Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, political leaders whoseimages were projected onto the minds of the American people, this series is a genuine exploration of visual political messages over time. Today’s streets areincreasingly full of advertisements and posters of political candidates abound during election campaigns. These portraits register in the minds of passers by but what happens to them next?

Time passes and leaves its mark on these posters, ageing the very faces they portray. Magenta and yellow graduallyweather away, leaving only cyan. Tim Davis was surprised to discover here the same faded blue that appears in the atmospheres of Dutch paintings. Fromthe communist to the neo-fascist, the ideas of politicians evaporate faster than the ink on their posters, which continues to preserve, in perfect clarity beneatha bluish patina, their ambitious countenances. Upon these worn, faded and torn surfaces, an inner essence begins to reveal itself in the manner of a ghost.

Year of production: 2008

headphone Tim Davis

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