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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

My Mother
Ilir Kaso

The work of Ilir Kaso falls under the category of animation. Known today asmorphing, these pictures are the result of a fluid and progressive transition from an initial picture to a final, different picture. Over recent years these animatedimages made a huge impact in the cinema and on the internet before they were taken up by artists.For this morphing, the artist has decided to retain a level of solemnity and not integrate colours or a soundtrack. The changes perceived in the portraitof the artist’s mother occur slowly and discretely. Although the variations result from the passing of time, it remains difficult for the spectator to clearly noticeits passage.

The morphing can only really be perceived upon a second visit. While time remains the leading author of this work, the figure of the motherplays an equally important role. Time is often a dreaded influence when it acts upon loved ones; here, the mother is its subject. But if the morphing retraces inan accelerated manner the marks time has left in its wake, the mother’s face remains cheerful and serene. Whether it be a manner of accepting the passingof time or a way to stigmatise it, the artist chooses to capture it through these images in a way that makes it immutable.

Year of production: 2007

headphone Ilir Kaso

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