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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

One Hour Photo
Adam Good – One Hour Photo

With Megan Cump, Tim Davis, Jade Doskow, Matthew Gamber, Sam Jury, Kalle Kataila, Jason Lazarus, Oliver Wasow

The photographers taking part in the “One Hour Photo” project make an unusual commitment: to neither reproduce nor sell the selected photograph beyond the exhibition. Indeed, the concept involves the projection of photographs,one after another and each for one hour, before subsequently being destroyed. Showing images over a limited period of time allows the “One Hour Photo”project to generate a series of reflections on our perception of photography and the photographer’s work. Let’s consider some of these here. Through this approach, each image ceases to be an object and instead becomes an experience, a process with a beginning and an end. The spectator becomes the camera that captures the image; memory becomes its material support and all that will henceforth remain of it.

Thus “One Hour Photo” returnsthe experience of art to the moment of its perception, eliminating the peripheral activities with which an exhibition visit is increasingly associated: acquiringan artwork, purchasing derivative products or reviewing it in the press or across social networks. By having the images vanish after displaying them for an hour, “One Hour Photo” highlights the fragile and ephemeral nature of photography, and ofdigital photography in particular. Contrary to the qualities usually attributed to it – a permanent and infallible record of a passing moment – a photograph, like any other object, has a limited lifespan. “One Hour Photo” revitalises the connection between photography and time. In a world where images become trivialised by their constant flow and almost unlimited accessibility, “One Hour Photo” confers on a photograph thequalities of a rare and unique object, whose fleeting presence is a precious moment.

Year of production: 2011

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