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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

Alexis Guillier

“Reworks” is a collection of digital images assembled by Alexis Guillier. Its subject is works of art thathave been materially modified by accidental or wilful damage. These photographs are projected at random as a slide show onto one or several juxtaposed monitors. “Reworks” presents a complex intertwining of temporalities that can be divided into different layers. First comes the moment of creation and evolution of the original work. A violent attack theninterrupts everything, leaving its own traces. A witness to this act of vandalism, the photograph captures and preserves it as an image. From this point, two time schemes evolve in parallel: that ofthe “physical” work which, over the years, continues to degenerate or can be restored, and that of the photograph. The latter is a complex object that contains both the temporality of its subject andits own temporality.

If a picture developed on photographic paper undergoes its own material degeneration, what about a digital picture? Its immaterial nature raises a number of questions. Doesdigital technology impart a timeless quality? Finally comes the moment of projection (for a limited period or repeatedly looped, random ordering of images) and its reception by the spectator. The images projected at random are akin to the recollections that constitute man’s memory. Like photographs, these recollections are often altered. “Reworks” can be seen as a reinterpretationof history; photography captures not so much the subject itself but rather the event that has marked it. Consequently, these works become symbols of past or present acts. An imaginary museum in thedigital age, “Reworks” constitutes both a historical and a fictional narrative.

Year of production: 2009

headphone Alexis Guillier

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