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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

A new look at science
SNSF Scientific Image Competition

SNSF Scientific Image Competition

A new look at science
The scientific news that makes the headlines does not convey the breadth of people, crafts and shifting perspectives at the core of scientific research. This never-ending endeavour is less a matter of cold numbers than of doubt and failures, human dedication and curiosity. The 14 works awarded a prize or distinction in the 2022 SNSF Scientific Image Competition present rarely seen images from the world of science as it is conducted today.

The Competition Categories
1. Object of Study
2. Women and Men of Science
3. Places and Tools
4. Videos

The Jury 2022

Lars Lindemann, head of photography at GEO (Germany)

Emmanuel Ferrand, mathematician, Sorbonne University (France)
Emmanuelle Giacometti, director of L’Espace des Inventions (Switzerland)
Cécile Lestienne, editorial director of Pour la Science and Cerveau & Psycho (France)
Alexander Sauer, photographer (Switzerland)

In collaboration with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).