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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

Délits de Séjours
Laurence Rasti

Through her photographic enquiry, Laurence Rasti attempts to give a voice to people with a migration background living in Geneva. These men and women who have the status of irregular “without documents” contribute to the very identity of the city. Yet thousands of them are stigmatized, considered unwelcome, sometimes even criminalized, and some- times find themselves deprived of their fundamental rights. One part of this documentary work focuses on the individuals through colour portraits created in various urban contexts. The other part focuses on the institutions and associations that host them and whose admission and management procedures are sometimes inconsistent. Paradoxically, the institutions that support them are also the ones who enclose them, distance them, and sometimes even deport them. The festival presents a selection of urban portraits outdoors.

Enquête photographique 2019, city of Geneva

Year of production: 2019