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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

L’or et l’orage
Shannon Guerrico

Through a collection of diverse images, Shannon Guerrico recounts the confrontation of the human being with the cycles of life. She is particularly interested in the changes of identity resulting from motherhood. Her series of image-objects, assembled as an installation, tells of the ambivalence of a fragile or shattered day-to-day existence: the close, continuous coexistence of life and death, fear and tenderness, delight and anxiety, magic and frustration. In her visual language, resurgent childhood memories are mixed with animal figures that seem to be taken from dreams, or fantasies evoking the “savage.” Round shapes frequently recur, like echoes of the primal architecture of the belly, of burrows, or of caves, alluding to the tondo, or more precisely the desco da parto (birth tray), a type of Renaissance allegorical painting created to mark the birth of a first child.

With the support of: Canton de Vaud, Ville de Lausanne, Collection d’art de la Ville d’Yverdon-les-Bains

Year of production: 2021