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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

Silvia Rosi

In her work, Silvia Rosi re-enacts moments inspired by her family history drawing on her Togolese heritage and those migratory paths that led her to be born in Italy. Operating in a personal way on the artistic strategies developed by the tradition of West African “studio portraits”, Rosi places at the center of her practice the visualisation of Italian Afro-descendence and the constant work of identity negotiation asked of those Italian subjectivities that carry within themselves a diasporic history. Her images evoke topics of tradition brought to the present, and the effects of migration upon them. The tradition of head carrying is one of the central aspects she analyses in her work. In Encounter, the artist highlights the complexity of family relations and the (self)representation of family ties as a place of emergence of structural social issues and celebration of subjectivities hidden in the mainstream.

Year of production: 2019