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Journées photographiques de Bienne, 3.–25.5.2025

Zoé Aubry

Systemic and structural femicide – in this case spousal – is a social phenomenon that is often left invisible and normalized, and representation of it is often even manipulated. Since 2018, Zoé Aubry has been developing a work on the representation of femicides in the media. The third part of her project is centred on the murder of a young Mexican woman who was killed and chopped up by her husband, in February 2020. In the wake of this crime, theatricalized images of the dismembered corpse of the victim, made by the authorities at the scene of the crime, were published in the Mexican tabloids. The appearance of these images on front pages generated a wave of anger at the time. A Mexican woman created the hashtag #IngridEscamillaVargas on Twitter and launched a campaign condemning this voyeurism and calling on people to share photos “of beautiful things” in order to make the horrifying photographs disappear under an online flood of images.

For her installation, Zoé Aubry has gathered the images that were posted during the weeks that followed the murder as part of this collective movement aimed at producing invisibility by exploiting algorithms. She places them all in the foreground of her installation in such as a way as to cover up a pixelated cyanotype of one of the crime-scene images that were published in the tabloids. To extend this work of struggle and demand into the public space of Biel/Bienne, Aubry invites everyone to makes these images visible throughout the city in a participatory postering campaign. An aspect of this participatory extension of the work has been realised in collaboration with La Couleur des Jours.

Year of production: 2020

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