L’oeil cacophonique
Aurore Valade
Digital platforms are a vast reservoir of materials and creative expression, but can also be seen as a threat to our attention and our individual freedoms. Can we still speak of personal expression when every effort is made to keep us captivated, and to make our emotions conform to (emot)icons? Aurore Valade invited a class at the Gymnase français de Bienne to deconstruct the imagery generated on social networks, using both digital and analogue techniques. The students worked from screen captures of their own interests and interactions on social networks. Together they cut, drew and worked up a “language 2.0” using both analogue and digital methods. They created symbols, with which they then posed and were photographed.
Thanks to the cooperation with HEP-BEJUNE, the portrait photographs have already been published in an issue of the magazine Enjeux pédagogiques N° 34 of HEB-BEJUNE.
Year of production: 2020